Circular economy business
The goal of our company is to promote business in accordance with the circular economy, where new value is created from poorly utilized resources or where new materials and products are developed with environmentally friendly processes and raw materials.

Enabling change
The circular economy is a comprehensive system change and a cross-cutting theme in every industry. We want to use our technologies to enable change towards a more sustainable industry in several different stages of the value chain. Cost-effectively produced new bio-based materials can replace fossil raw materials in both energy production and manufacturing industries. At the other end of the value chain, industry’s zero-waste goals can be promoted by more efficient utilization of waste heat and further processing of side and waste streams.
Support for productization
In addition to supplying drying technology, SFTec also offers help in developing circular economy business. You can get support for the technical challenges of material handling, but also a business perspective for developing profitable use cases for new materials. The cornerstones of a sustainable circular economy business are reliable and cost-effective technologies, utilization of waste heat and more profitable value chains of end products.

Utilization sectors
Our drying technology is suitable for the needs of several different industries. Our equipment is modular and can be customized for many different materials and energy sources. We are specialized in improving the utilization possibilities of side stream and waste materials in three different sectors.
Materials produced from bio-based raw materials play a central role in replacing products based on fossil raw materials. The cornerstone of sustainable bioeconomy is to maximize the value of raw materials in order to get the greatest possible benefit from limited raw materials.
Wood biomass
When wood and biomass are processed in a smart way, they can be utilized for a growing number of business cases. Drying improves biomass storage, usability, transportability and energy content. Dried wood biomass can also be processed into higher value products.
Metals and minerals
In the metal and mineral industry, millions of tons of challenging waste materials are generated every year. The main destination of these materials has been landfilling. The problem with many materials is their high moisture content, which limits the possibilities of further use.
Contact us
We are interested in hearing about your needs Contact us and we’ll find out if we can be of help.